Where And When To Place Adsense Ads On YouTube Videos

Where And When To Place Adsense Ads On YouTube Videos

This Post May Contain Affiliate Links. Adsense is a great way of making money via monetising a website and youtube videos. Ads are placed in different locations on a webpage and when a viewer opens a certain page, that person is able to see ads. The ads on a webpage can be in any location, but the most common is at the top, right side bar and within the article somewhere in the middle. Like this, the person owning the website is able to make money from the views on the page and when someone clicks on the ad. Where And When To Place Adsense Ads On YouTube Videos

On the website some two to three ads are visible, but on youtube people bombard their videos with ads with little yellow dots visible on the red play bar that many times the red is not even visible. Many times, some of the ads don’t even open, and when some of them do open, they open at the wrong time. Here you will be guided where and when to place the adsense ads on a youtube video.

1 – One to Two Minute Duration Videos:

In a video with a duration of one to two minutes, it is acceptable to place two ads, one in the start and the second at the end of the video. Anyways, youtube itself doesn’t allow placing more than two ads on such a small duration video.

2 – Videos exceeding 5 Minute Duration:

There is a possibility of placing more than two ads on a 5 minute duration video, and it would be better to place one in the middle. For example, if the video is of 6 minutes, then place one at the 3rd minute. Like this, the video will be divided into two sections, and will be watchable.

3 – Short Films or Vlogs Ranging from 10 to 20 minutes:

In a video of such a long length, especially when the video is very interesting and captures the viewer so much that one forgets the time, place an ad at such a moment where there is a rising moment of suspense. Ads can also be placed at such a point where one person finishes the on going conversation, or when one scene is about to end indicating a change in the story. Never place an ad at such a time when a character is in the middle of conversation. Of course, many ads can be placed in a single video, but please don’t over do it by placing ads after ever one or two minutes.

4 – Feature Length Films/ Documentaries or Home Videos Ranging from One to Two Hours Duration:

In a video which is of one to two hours, it has been noticed that people just bombard their videos with ads after nearly every two minutes. This is wrong, please don’t do that. Do as it is told in the 3rd point above. Place ads right where a scene ends, indicating in a change of scene or a plot. Place the ad where one character is done talking. Especially in documentaries, never place an ad in between a question and an answer. This just breaks the momentum and the interest of a viewer.

Don’t worry if you are placing very few ads in your video. The positive side of placing fewer ads is that those ads will definitely pop up resulting in you getting some money. With ads placed after every 2 minutes on a one two two hours video, there are chances that many of the ads will not pop up which will not give you the amount of money you would want to make.

Where And When To Place Adsense Ads On YouTube Videos

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